Thursday, 29 May 2014

Let us play at fiction, you and I

Let us play at fiction, you and I.

I saw you in our nursery class, and traded
Shiny stones to sit right next to you.
There’s thirteen years between that day and now,
And yet, some things have stayed the same.
Your nose is just as small, you’re just as tall;
Although perhaps not, as you’re fully grown.
Your eyes are almost just the same,
They’re just the same,
They’re just as wide, but now they’re closed
To me.

Where did you go?
I felt I lost you in my pocket, like you opened up
A hole and clambered out, to go be free.
Where did you go?
I couldn’t keep you in my head, you had to
Break away and live beyond me in the open sea.
Where did you go?
I wouldn’t stop myself from loving you, but then
What could I be except a shadow of a greater thing?
Where did you go?
You lie here on an open slab, and yet
My hands are buried in my dreams.

If I could count those shiny stones again,
I’d find just seven traded colours and sheens.
If I could count the times your eyes were open
Wandering around the world, I’d end my days.
There’s thirteen years between that day and now,
Unbroken pleasure until now,
And yet some things have stayed the same,
You’re just the same,
You’re just the same,
Except for now your eyes are closed

To me.

Source -

The painting is called 'Touch'

Painted by u/picpocgallery -

Beneath the dead man's party

Beneath the dead man's party.
The windows warm our souls, and from them floats
And flutters laughter, resting on our ears
Like butterflies; so faint, it brushes tears
Across our cheeks, and life under our coats.
And yet, the warmth is rapid: soaking through
The tarmac, slaking off the coats of men
And women passing in the street again,
But they will never catch the raucous views
Within the hotel rooms above their lives.
The orange light spills out, to welcome all
The night into the joke; and yet, it speaks
In such a language that our minds
Don’t understand; the dead will call through walls
And yet we miss the light they chose to speak.

Source -

The painting is called 'Ghost Hotel'

Painted by u/greyexpectations -

A Note - The artist included my poem on their blog! VERY EXCITE!

Blue and Yellow

Blue and Yellow.
I dreamt of two bright cities, side by side,
Over, under and in-between; they looked
Into each other with blue and yellow eyes,
Whilst at my feet the midnight water
Trembled in the darkness.
I would often walk between these ridged shapes,
one foot placed blindly past the other,
and bricks would be and glass would be,
and with these eyes of mine I did not
look around me at this double-city scape.
I left the city in a boat, and crossed the water
Shivering. I looked back only once. Upon
The rippled surface of the waves, the city
Shone in bright and shadow, and in the windows
I saw reflected my own eyes –
One of blue, and one of yellow.

Source -

This poem is untitled.

Painted by u/drawn0nward -


Let us take your face between our hands,
And twirl you in our fingers, ravel you
In knuckles, nails and skin. There are just two
Of you; just two to see this three-piece band,
And yet, you’re sightless eyes stare into one
Another, mouths left open by design,
Whilst from the trees and grass, and up your spine,
We brush you, scared that soon you will be gone
From us, and back to empty nature’s glade we’ll slide,
Our fingerprints reburying themselves
In soil, to wriggle; worms with worms and stones
And roots to wrap ourselves within. Subside.
We’ll pull our arms back through the earth ourselves,
And hold them to our chests; as close as bones.

source -

This artwork is untitled.

I think this one's an original piece, done in photoshop by u/rhinosarus -

Sunday, 25 May 2014

The Streets

The Streets

The streets are quiet today; I’ve
Been walking them for hours, and
I haven’t seen a single soul. In
Fact, I think I may well be the
Only living thing in London today.

As the sun passes directly over my
Head, glinting off the carapaces of
Cars, the shells of homes and doors,
The world begins to wake up around
Me. People roll around, mooching.

There is nothing quite so wonderful
As not knowing where you’re going.
In a shocking turn of events, I
Am approached by a man named
Derby. It says so on his parole card.

His breath smells of alcohol, and I
Listen patiently as he explains his
Predicament, and if I could spare some
Money that would be smashing. I
Did not, and he walked away, believing

I did.