Sunday, 25 May 2014

The Streets

The Streets

The streets are quiet today; I’ve
Been walking them for hours, and
I haven’t seen a single soul. In
Fact, I think I may well be the
Only living thing in London today.

As the sun passes directly over my
Head, glinting off the carapaces of
Cars, the shells of homes and doors,
The world begins to wake up around
Me. People roll around, mooching.

There is nothing quite so wonderful
As not knowing where you’re going.
In a shocking turn of events, I
Am approached by a man named
Derby. It says so on his parole card.

His breath smells of alcohol, and I
Listen patiently as he explains his
Predicament, and if I could spare some
Money that would be smashing. I
Did not, and he walked away, believing

I did.

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