Tuesday, 10 June 2014



My waking hours are filled with rustling wings,
With feathers carrying my thoughts from me,
They go so far away from me to be
Pieces of something, bits of greater things;
And each small segment of my memories
Migrates across the sea, to sunny shores
That I’m too black and white to understand.
Please take the time to get in line, demand
A redress of the things we used pay for.
And when the trail stretches, measure it
With crows wings, placed from end to end, a train
Of thought, the ticket paid with copper pennies,
A train that left the station in a dream.

The shadow of our plans is scattered in the wind.

Source - http://www.reddit.com/r/Heavymind/comments/27papw/release_by_me_pen_and_ink/

The drawing is called 'Release'

The artist is u/cheeseboyhalpert, and his account is here: http://www.reddit.com/user/cheeseboyhalpert

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